Competition Rules – Международный конкурс виолончелистов имени С.Н. Кнушевицкого


1 Application procedure

1.1. VII Knushevitsky International Cello Competition is held in two age groups: junior and senior.

Performers, younger than 18 (on the date of the Competition), will have the right to join the Junior Group. Performers younger than 30 and older than 18 (on the date of the Competition), will have the right to join the Senior group.

Note: Performers who are younger than 18 on the date of the Competition may be allowed to join the Senior group of the Competition upon their request. In this case they are required to perform the Program for the Senior group.

1.2. Competition will be held in the Saratov Regional Philharmonic named after A. Schnittke and Saratov state Conservatory named after L.Sobinov from 12 to 21 September 2025.

1.3. To participate in the competition, the following documents should be sent to the Directorate by e-mail starting from March 1, 2025 and no later than July 10, 2025:

a) Application form;

b) Passport (X-copy);

c) X-copy of the Music education certificate (Diploma) or a letter from the Music Academy, /school/, college (for pupils and students);

d) a brief curriculum vitae;

e) Competition program stating (obligatory)- name of the piece, the composer, the opus number, the tonality and number (if it is available). It should be filled in accordance with the form attached;

f) one photo for documents (size 4х6 cm), one portrait (size10 х15cm). Photos sent by E-mail are preferable;

g) High-quality video recording of the performance of the program.

1.4. The entrance fee should be paid as follows: 2000 Roubles – for the contestantof the Junior Group and 3000 Roubles – for contestants of the Senior Group. Entrance fee shall be paid by contestants upon their arrival at the

Competition in Saratov during the registration procedure and Shall be paid in Roubles in accordance to the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia on the date of payment.

1.5. The address of the Competition administration:

The Knushevitsky International Cello Competition, 35, Arbat Str., Suite 642, Moscow, 119002, Russia

E-mail:; e-mail:

Tel: +7 (985) 922-88-10 and +7 (962) 961-31-04

1.6. The total number of competitors in two age divisions is limited up to 50 persons.

1.7. Applicants will be notified on admission by Competition Board no later than August 1, 2025.

1.8. Upon receiving of admittance notification foreign contestants shall apply for their visas at the Russian Consulate and submit the formal invitation letter and the telex number.

1.9. In case the applicant refuses to participate in the Competition, the documents and the entrance fee will not be returned.

The Competition Order

2. After the end of accepting applications and relevant documents from candidates for participation in the Svyatoslav Knushevitsky Cellist Competition in 2025, a preliminary selection (in absentia) will take place based on video recordings of the first round in both age groups, after which the direct participants of the competition will be determined. The selected young musicians will arrive in Saratov to participate in the competition already in full-time format.

2.1. The Competition auditions of the Junior Group will be held in two rounds (Round I – eliminatory, Round II– the Final).

The Competition of Senior group will beheld in three rounds. the first and second rounds are qualifiers, the third round (final) with an orchestra.

All the auditions are open to public. All the pieces must be played by heart, except for the ensemble sonatas in the second round of the senior group. Every composition can be performed in one round only.

2.2. The performance order will be determined by the drawing of lots and will remain up to the end of the Competition. Changes of the performance order at competition are possible only under the Jury’s decision.

2.3. After the registration of participants and the drawing lots procedure all changes in the competition program are possible only in exceptional cases upon the Jury’s approval.

2.4. Competitors of the Senior Group scored no less than 18 points (on 25 -point system) will be admitted to Round II.

2.5. No more than 6 competitors will be admitted to the Final Round (Round II) in the Junior Group, no more than 5 competitors of the Senior Group scored highest points will be admitted to Round III.

2.6. Program of Round I and Round II can be performed in full or partially up to the Jury’s decision. The Performance order of the music pieces in all the rounds should be determined by the contestant.

2.7. All the competitors who become laureates or diploma holders of the Competition in accordance to the Competition results, are obliged to perform at the Closing Ceremony upon the decision of the Jury and the Competition Board, on a free of charge basis.

2.8. The competitor has the right to perform with his/her pianist at
competition. In case it’s needed, the Competition Board will provide pianists for two rehearsals and performances in each round to the contestants on a free of charge basis.

2.9. Competitors are obliged to bring he scores of the music they will perform at the competition.

2.10. The Jury has the right:

a) not to award all the prizes;

b) to share prizes between performers;

c) to award the title of a Diploma Holder to participants of the Finals, who has not become a Laureate;

d) to award Special awards and prizes to contestants;

The decisions of the Jury are final and are not subject to review.

2.11. All the Laureates and Diploma Holders and their pianists shall perform free of charge at the Closing Ceremony and the Concert of laureates according to the program confirmed by the Jury and the Competition Board. If a Laureate or a Diploma Holder refuses to perform without any good reason, the award will not be paid.

2.12. The Competition Laureates will be offered a number of performances in various cities of Russia and other countries during the concert season of 2026-2027.

2.13. The Competition Board reserves the exclusive rights to broadcast all rounds, and the Closing Ceremony on television. The Competition Board reserves the exclusive rights to make video-recordings and their further distribution without additional fee payable to contestants, their partners and pianists. The Competition Board possesses the exclusive right to arrange and sign contracts with other parties for realization of the above mentioned materials.

Video –recording or filming carried out by all the people without an exception is possible only on a special permission of the Competition Board.

3. Financial conditions

3.1. Competitors and their pianists shall arrive to the Competition according to the dates specified by the Competition Board in the Letter of Invitation. The Contestants can arrive at the Competition earlier to prepare for the Competition. In this case, they will be responsible to pay their expenses on accommodation up to the specified date.

3.2. The Competition Board will pay for hotel accommodation and meals for the contestants and their pianists only for the period of their official participation at the competition: from the date of arrival in Saratov, but not earlier than the specified date, and not more than one day after the end of the Round in which the contestant took part.

3.3. The Competitors who arrived at the Competition and refused to perform, and those who are not admitted to Round II and Round III, as well as their pianists, can stay at their own expense till the end of the Competition.

3.4. The Competition Board will provide assistance in visa arrangement and hotel reservation for the persons, accompanying competitors (teachers, relatives) if asked in advance.

3.5. The Competition Board will not provide any insurance for competitors, their pianists and accompanying persons.

3.6. The Competition Board will not provide competitors with music scores.

3.7. The Competition Board will provide competitors with classes for practicing and one rehearsal on stage prior to each round.

3.8. The application form signed by a competitor is an evidence that a that they fully accept the present Rules of the Competition.

4. Awards and Prizes

Junior Group:

• the I Prize – 150 000 rubles, a Gold medal and A title of Laureate.

• the II Prize – 120 000 rubles, a Silver medal and a title of Laureate.

• the III Prize – 100 000 rubles, a Bronze medal and a title of Laureate.

• 3 Diplomas – 60 000 rubles (each) and a title of a Diploma Holder.

Senior Group:

• the I Prize – 250 000 rubles, a Gold medal and a title of Laureate.

• the II Prize – 200 000 rubles, a Silver medal and a title of Laureate.

• the III Prize – 150 000 rubles, a Bronze medal and title of Laureate.

• 2 Diplomas – 100 000 rubles (each) and a title of a Diploma Holder.

Special awards:

Two awards “For the best accompaniment at the competition – 40 000 rubles (each) and a Diploma.

Note: State and public organizations, companies and private persons can award special prizes upon agreement with the Competition Board.

Money awards to the Laureates and Diploma Holders of S. Knushevitsky International Cello Competition are paid in rubles withholding taxes in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Download the application for participation in the competition

 Сompetition program